You can trust that your order will be quickly processed and safely delivered.
Shipping charges will be added to all orders. Our shipping charges are determined by the total weight / size of your order.
Each day, ships hundreds of packages ranging is sizes from small and light to very large and very heavy. Because of these wide ranges of sizes and weights, sometimes the website has a difficult time calculating the correct shipping charges. If your shipping estimate seems out-of-line, please feel free to contact our Customer Service Department at 1-800-513-1695 for a real-time shipping quote. We are available Monday - Friday between 9am and 5pm Eastern Standard Time. If you are shopping after normal business hours, please e-mail us at with the product, quantities, and zip code and we will e-mail you back a shipping quote the very next business day. Thank You for your understanding!
We Do Not Ship to Canada.
Google Shopping prices are estimates only. Actual shipping and tax (if applicable) will be calculated by this web site.
Coupon and Discount Codes: Coupon and Discount Codes may not be stacked. Only one code may be used per order.
FOB shipping point - pre-paid and charged.
Damaged Shipments: If you receive any goods in a damaged condition, you must notify us with 5 business days. We may ask you to provide proof of the damage, as a condition of refund or replacement. We will file a freight claim on your behalf with the appropriate shipping company (UPS, FedEx, etc.). Freight claims can take up to 7 business days. Based on the outcome of the freight claim, we may issue you a credit in the amount paid for the goods or send replacement goods at our discretion.
Important Notice - Reporting freight damage is your responsibility - Follow these procedures immediately upon receipt of your shipment.
- Inspect all cartons for damage before signing for shipment. Note Freight Bill / Carrier of any damage.
- Open and inspect all cartons in the presence of the driver before signing freight bill.
- Tag and keep any cartoning in which damage goods are received, in its original condition for inspection by carrier.
- Report all damage immediately to the carrier and request inspection and claim forms.
- Your shipment is F.O.B. Factory. You must file any freight claims directly with the delivery carrier. If you need any assistance please contact us at 1-800-513-1695.
Political Orders:
The Client is responsible for including required funding declarations (disclosures) for political advertising. Each state has different laws regarding political advertising and appropriate copy must be supplied with your order.
Please check with your local code enforcement office for sign requirements - this is your responsibility.
Prices for yard signs are based on one design, copy changes (ie. ganging orders) will incure additional charges.